It was phenomenal!
I had an awesome time! I am still giving God praise for such an amazing Y.A.M.S Conference. What a life changing event! So many women came together to share in the goodness of the Lord. It was phenomenal!!! I really enjoyed myself, listening to First Lady Kawanis Collins speak on the topic: “Having a Vision for Success as a Young Lady.” I walked away with some life changing information from these women of God. Especially, Lady Sharon Matthews! I am more than appreciative for First Lady Sago for allowing God to use her in preparing for this special event. I was truly blessed throughout the entire conference. I can not wait until the next Y.A.M.S. Conference, for I expect God to show himself mighty once more and again.
Leslie Benson
17 years old
When God Tells Us Something, We Should Listen
On the morning of my wedding we were at my mom’s house getting dressed. Several people were late and my soon-to-be-husband announced that “everyone that’s not here will just be left out.” It wasn’t what he said or how he said it that shook me. It was the voice in my head that said, “Don’t marry him.” I learned later that that voice was in fact the voice of God.
I found out soon after we were married that it was best to go along with whatever he said or wanted. I was doing my hair and he came in to ask me to fix him something to eat. I said okay I would fix it as soon as I finished. He hit me so hard. He said that when he told me to do something he wanted it done then and now, not when I got ready. That was the beginning of six years of physical and mental abuse. It got worse for me because I had to watch my children see him abuse me. I felt that I was in this alone. I didn’t want anyone to know what we were going through. I knew I had to get out of this situation when he threw an actual footlocker at my kids and barely missed hitting them.
My solution was that I would kill him before he killed us. The morning of my decision to kill him was a snowy January day. I left home walking to the store, determined to buy a gun and kill him. But when I got to the store one of the clerks in the store told the owner not to sell the gun to me because he saw how upset I was. So, I left the store walking home.
For the first time since this ordeal started, I listened to God. God talked to me all the way home. He gave me the words to say and that is exactly what I did.
There was always talk about my husband and me, along with the kids, moving to another state but I refused to go and somehow, my husband knew that this was the one thing that he couldn’t make me do. I was able to convince him that I would be willing to move and that this was the best time for him to leave because he didn’t have a job and that I would join him when school was out. He was excited and I pretended to be happy.
After my husband moved, my kids and I were supposed to leave as soon as school was out. But two weeks before school was out I wrote him a letter and told him that there was no way I was coming to where he was. I finally started to listen to God. Because if I hadn’t I know that life for my kids and I could have been something you read about in the paper. So, ladies when that voice, which I know now and knew then was God, speaks to you, please listen.
For years I carried the burden and the effects of having been in an abusive relationship. I walked in depression every day and that type of emotion was normal for me. However, after attending the Y.A.M.S. Conference, I experienced a release in my spirit that I had not had. I felt that burden was lifted and I got my joy back. I can truthfully say that I feel a deep sense of peace. The ladies came together on that day. Sis. Sago embraced me and held on to me and I could literally feel the love of God flowing through me. I thank God because now I know that my future is bright and I am free!!
It was just what I needed!
I've been saved for most of my adult life. However, even though you attend church and are active in the service of the Lord, you need someone to pour into your life.
I had been praying for a Women's movement in the form of a conference. I couldn't go to the ones you see on TV. Well bless my soul…1st Lady Barbara Jackson Sago tells me about Y.A.M.S. (You Are My Sister).
Let me tell you it was just what I needed. I was welcomed by the ladies of Victorious Faith Ministries with such warmth. I was ready for anything God wanted to do. The Praise and Worship Team prepares the atmosphere. Then, it happens!! Barbara Jackson Sago gives the official greetings and is used by the Holy Spirit to usher us into the presence of the almighty God. Each presenter was well versed in their subject they were given.
(My God) the Lunch consisted of so many delicious and delightful salads. it was difficult to make a choice…Lol
The “Round Table Discussion” was phenomenal. Many revelations were shared.
Young ladies as well as seasoned ladies left the conference with a deeper understanding of who they are in Christ!
It was just simply amazing! Thank you so much for the awesome experience!!!
Can't wait for the next one!!
Yours In Christ,
Minister Gwendolyn Riley

Definitely the sweetest & best YAMS served to me!
I am grateful to GOD for His yielded vessel, Evangelist Barbara Sago! Thanks for your "Yes" to GOD. Thanks for allowing me to minister at the 1st Y.A.M.S (You Are My Sister) Women's Conference!! It was the best women's conference I've ever attended!! My life will never be the same!!
It was awesome serving alongside such anointed & secure women of GOD. The love & sisterhood I felt in that room was just what I needed & it left me in awe! Keep your eyes & ears open for this movement! It is HUGE & ORDAINED BY GOD. To see women being set free & delivered moved my heart! This conference was powerful, educational, inspirational, & spiritual! Definitely the sweetest & best YAMS served to me! I'm already looking forward to the next one! In summation, REAL issues were addressed by REAL women!
Dr. Kishki Hall

As good as actual yams taste...even better!
The Y.A.M.S. conference was as good as the actual yams taste...even better, actually! From the moment I walked into the Victorious Faith C.O.G.I.C. church building, I felt welcomed and appreciated because the greeters were so enthusiastic and excited about what they were a part of. Many introductions and icebreakers are rather dull, but in this conference, they were so fun and full of life. The class topics and classes themselves were so inspirational and encouraging.
I am a teen, so I attended the class that was centered around knowing my purpose as a Christian young woman. Our teacher did an amazing job explaining to us the importance of loving ourselves, knowing our purpose and having a vision. Later in the conference, we had Evangelist Mathews speak to all the women combined and she did an extraordinary job using her life story as a way to encourage us. Oh, and boy did the Holy Spirit meet us in that place! In retrospect, I will definitely be attending the next conference!
BriAnna Benson
God's anointed grace was definitely in the place!
The first year of the Y.A.M.S. Conference was so powerful that you would think the Conference had been going on for years! From the entrance of the church building, I felt welcomed and appreciated by my attendance. The greeters were there to meet me with a smile, hugs, and love, like none other. Then as I entered the sanctuary, I felt the live and vibrant atmosphere, as the Ice Breaker went forth with much enthusiasm and passion for the task of getting us ladies comfortable for a great shifting in the atmosphere.
I was honored to be teaching a session on Successful Christian Parenting, indulging in the biblical principle of “training up a child” and helping parents understand how important our roles are, in that training. All around me, in different sessions, I could hear the cheering of other sessions as women were empowered to grow spiritually in the Lord. How awesome it was to see women come together and magnify God, as we all endeavored to learn meaning and purpose for our lives. Then, as if it could not have gotten any better, we ended the Conference with a speaker for the general session, whose testimony alone, was enough to send chills up your spine. God’s anointed grace was definitely in the place as we all experienced a mighty move of God! I cannot wait until next year, I plan to bring even more women to this Conference!
Lady Andrea Benson

The classes were awesome!
When I saw the advertisement for the Y.A.M.S. Summit, I really felt like I needed to go. So, I planned to go, not knowing how my schedule was going to work out. At the time of the Y.A.M.S. Summit, I was dealing with some things that I could not share with anyone. I needed a hug from God. I got up that Saturday morning at 5 a.m. expecting to receive something from God to help me continue, not just in life, but with the work He has placed in my hands. I am so grateful for women like Barbara Jackson Sago. Such a strong, beautiful, and loving woman. I just believed that God was going to give her something powerful to pass on to us.
People often forget that “strong” women need a shoulder, a hug, a soft word, a kind word and encouragement. Evangelist Sharon Matthews gave the type of transparent, unadulterated, non-judgmental testimony that was needed to break the burdens that a lot of women came with and had been carrying for a long time. The classes were “Awesome”!!! I received so much that morning. As I sit here and write, my eyes are filling up with tears of relief and breakthrough as I reminisce about the Powerful move of God!!!
As sisters, we sometimes forget that even the strongest of women need affirmation, a hug, a soft look and even a kind word, and this was what the Y.A.M.S. Summit reminded us. We hugged each other. We spoke life to each other. At the end of the message another sister gave me a hug. I didn’t get a chance to ask her name. When she hugged me and prayed for me, I felt so much sisterly love being released in that hug. The way she hugged and prayed for me, I felt as if she was the big sister I needed at that time. She was the shoulder I needed to just let go and cry about whatever I needed to cry about. I felt her love and that she was genuinely concerned about me. That small gesture of kindness released so much strength, love, and peace in my life, in my spirit.
It is so important that we learn to love each other and support each other instead of being jealous and envious of each other. Hats off to Lady Barbara Jackson Sago!!!
I can’t wait until the next Y.A.M.S. Summit!!! My plate is ready for some Y.A.M.S.!!!!!!!!
Lady Sherry Johnson