Barbara Jackson Sago
Barbara Jackson Sago was born May 24, 1963 to Pastor Andrew and Mrs. Lottie Jackson in Chicago, Illinois. She is the 5th child born from a family of six siblings. All siblings are either singers, musicians, preachers and teachers. They are all saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled and involved in the work of the ministry.
Evangelist Sago has served as the Minister of Music of the Faith Temple Ministries Church where her father, Bishop Andrew Jackson Sr., is the Founder and Pastor Emeritus. She has worked in several ministries within the church such as Pastoral Assistant, Bible Training Institute Teacher, Coordinator of Women's Cell Group, Pastor's Support Group Auxiliary and many, many more.
Evangelist Sago has also served in various capacities of music ministry. She is the newly appointed Coordinator of The Women’s International Convention Choir under the leadership of Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis, our General Supervisor for the Department of Women of The Church of God In Christ. Evangelist Sago also served the Church of God In Christ as Vice President of the International Music Department for 16 years. In addition, she served The Tennessee 4th Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop Jerry L. Maynard as The Jurisdictional Minister of Music for 20 years.
Over the years, Evangelist Sago has developed a deep passion and concern for women who have been broken by life. This passion was birthed out of her own life experience that brought about brokenness, pain, rejection, emotional abuse and betrayal . She knows beyond a shadow of doubt that Y.A.M.S. is a major part of her destiny and that her purpose is to bring ladies together to help them find the healing and support needed so they, too, can embrace their God given destiny.
Evangelist Sago holds a BA Degree in Organizational Management from Union University. She along with her brother Derrick Jackson are the founders and owners of the Jackson Studio Of Music where hundreds of students have been instructed in the area of piano, organ, voice and drum. Many are now church musicians and recording artists as well. Evangelist Sago is the wife of Supt. Samuel Sago. She is the 1st Lady of the Victorious Faith Ministries COGIC of Itta Bena, MS as well as the 1st Lady of the Greenwood District in Greenwood, MS of the Northern Mississippi Jurisdiction.